My Rating - Great!
5 Stars - * * * * *
Hi Everyone,
Excited that it is the
holidays. What about
you? O.K. Check out
my New Book Test
that I added today!
It is a great book for
anyone in the 3rd-6th
grade. Also, for people
that really like
hot air balloons.
The author of this book is
William Pene du Bois. Buy the
book today at
or check it out at the Library.
This book has 184 pages. Try to read
about 35-50 pages each day. You will
have it finished in about 4-7 days easy.
After reading the book check out my Book Test
Online with 66 Multiple Choice Questions at
Find below a few of the question.
Book Test Review
1) How many years did Professor William Waterman
Sherman teach math?(also, boys school-San Francisco)
2) What did Professor Sherman build at the age of 66?
3) How many friends watched Professor Sherman take off
in his balloon?
4) What Island did Professor Sherman's balloon crash
on the beach?
(1)40 years (2)Balloon (3)4-Friends (4)Krakatoa
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Twenty-One Balloons - Book Test Review
Posted by
E.G. and staff
5:36 PM
Labels: 3rd-6th grade, Amazon, Blogs, Book Test Online. Reading, Books, Library, Practice Test, School, Test, Twenty-One Balloons
Friday, December 28, 2007
Lord of the Flies - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
This is a
great book!
If you did
not read it
in 2007, put
it on your
new list
for 2008.
Also, on
my schools
reading list
for the 7th-12th grade. The author is
the famous William Golding. This book is
208 total pages. If you read about 35-50
pages each day you will have it finished
in about 4-7 days easy. Maybe even less
time because it is a great book.
Buy it today at
or check it out at the Library. After reading the Book
go to
and take my Online (102) Multiple Choice Question Test.
You can take the Sample Test of this book for Free with
10 Multiple Choice Questions. Find below a few of the Questions.
Book Test Review:
1) What is the area named where the plane crashes into the
jungle? (also, plane carrying school boys)
2) What object was used to call the other boys for a meeting?
3) Who was the leader of the choir boys?
4) Who became the chief after the boys first vote?
(1)Scar (2)Conch shell (3)Jack (4)Ralph
Don't forget to check out my Online Book Test
with (102) Multiple Choice Questions!
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
9:24 PM
Labels: 7th-12th grades, Amazon, Blogs, Book Review, Book Test Online. Reading, Books, Library, Lord of the Flies, School, William Golding
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Light in the Forest - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to
tell you
about one
of my
New Book
Test added
to the website.
This is a great book for
3rd-6th grade. Also, for
anyone that likes American
Indian stories. The author
is Conrad Richter. Buy the
book today at
or check it out at the library.
Please find below 4 out of the
55 Multiple Choice Questions on
my Online Book Test.
Book Test Review:
1) What state did John C. Butler's family live in?
2) How old is John Butler at the beginning of
the book?
3) What is John Butlers father's name?
4) How old was John Butler when the Indians
adopted him? (also, kidnapped)
(1)Pennsylvania (2)Age-15 (3)Harry (4)Age-4
Excited to tell you that my Book Test has
55 Total Multiple Choice Questions. Check
it out now at
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
4:45 PM
Labels: 3rd-6th grade, Amazon, Blogs, Book Test Online. Reading, Books, Conrad Richter, Library, The Light in the Forest
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Cinderellis & the Glass Hill - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
Book Test
added to
the Website!
This book
is for
in the
3rd-6th grade.
You will
not believe
what happens
to Ellis in the book.
Buy the book today at
or check it out at the Library.
This book has 104 total pages. The author
is Gail Carson Levine.
If you read 20-35 pages a day you will have
it finished in a few days. After
reading the book take my Book Test
with 51 total multiple choice questions.
Find below a few of the Questions!
Book Test Review:
1) What type of powder does Ellis invent first?
2) What nickname did Ellis's two brothers call him?
3) What is King Humphrey III daughter's name?
4) What pet did the King give Princess Marigold?
Answers: 1)Flying 2)Cinderellis 3)Marigold 4)Kitten
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
11:26 PM
Labels: 3rd-6th grade, Amazon, Blog, Book Test Online. Reading, Book Test Review, Books, Cinderellis - the Glass Hill, Gail Carson Levine
Friday, December 7, 2007
Russell Simmons - Do You! - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
Check out
my new
Book Test
added to
This book
is great for
Every Teen in the (7th-12th) Grade.
It is a fast read with only 309 total pages.
Once you start reading it you are hooked!
(no kidding) It is like he is talking to you.
I have read a few Motivation books & this one
Tops all of them.
I learned a lot of Cool stuff by reading his book!
Buy it today at
or check it out at the Library.
Excited to tell you that the Book Test has
(77) Multiple Choice Questions. Find below a few
of my questions.
Book Test Review:
(1) What famous person wrote the FOREWARD
page at the beginning of the book?
(2) Good Things come with What?
(3) How many visions should you focus on at
(4) What record label company did Russell
Simmons create?
Answers: 1)Donald Trump 2)Hard Work 3)Only-1
4)DEF Jam Records
After you read the Book check out the test
at my website.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:44 AM
Labels: 7th-12th grade, Amazon, Book Test + Online, Cool, Do You, Learn, Library, Motivation, Reading, Russell Simmons
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Judy Moody, M.D. - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
Great News
to Report!
Added a
New Book
Test for
grade. Read it
soon. Teacher's Love this Book!
Famous Author - Megan McDonald.
Judy Moody is funny & you will laugh forever.
I have several cousins that will like this book.
One of the girls wants to be a doctor too. How
cool is that! Judy Moody can give her a few great
ideas. The book has a total of 151 pages. If you
read about 35-50 pages each day, you will finished
it in only 4 to 5 days. That is easy! You can do
it if I can. I am busy too, but I try to read about
35 pages or more each day.
The Judy Moody books are written by Famous author
Megan McDonald. Buy it today at
or check it out at the Library.
O.K. - Now for a Few Questions. Excited to say
that the Test has 77 Total Questions. Find below
4 Questions & the Answers.
Book Test Review:
(1) What sickness did Judy Moody pretend to have?
(also, trying to skip school)
(2) What did Mr. Todd have in the class that glowed?
(3) What is the name of a human jaw bone?
(4) How many bones do humans really have?
Answers: 1)Mumps 2)Skeleton 3)Mandible 4)Bones=206 total
Check out the Book Test now at
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:26 PM
Labels: 3rd-6th grade, Amazon, Book Test Online. Reading, Doctor, Judy Moody, Library, Megan McDonald
Monday, December 3, 2007
To Kill A Mockingbird - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
Today, I am
adding a New
Book Test.
Check it out!
Also, it was
requested by a
new member.
This is a very interesting book.
You can learn about growing up
many years ago in the South.
Teachers really love this book.
The famous author is Harper Lee.
Buy this book today at
or check it out at the Library. The paperback copy
has 284 pages. It is a great book to read in the
7th-12th grade in school. Take my Book Test today
with (102) Online Multiple Choice Questions at
Find below a few of the Questions on the Test.
Book Test Review:
(1) Who is the person telling the story?
(2) What is Jean Louise Finch's nickname?
(3) What is Scouts brother's name?
(4) Whose left arm is shorter than the other arm?
Answers: 1)Jean Louise Finch 2)Scout 3)Jem Finch
4)Jem Finch
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:41 AM
Labels: Amazon, Book Test Online. Reading, Harper Lee, Library, School, To Kill A Mockingbird
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Judy Moody - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
I have a great
new book for
you to check out.
"Judy Moody
The author is
Megan McDonald.
This is a great book to learn about American History.
Check it out at the Library today or buy it at
It is fun to read with only 144 pages.
Excited to say that my Online Book Test has
70 Total Multiple Choice Questions.
Find Below a Few of the Questions.
Book Test Review:
(1) What city is Judy in at the beginning of the book?
(2) What is Judy Moodys only brother's name?
(3) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
(4) What is Victoria's nickname? (also, the girl from England)
Answers: 1)Boston, 2)Stink, 3)Thomas Jefferson, 4)Tori
Join BookTestOnline today! A great way to learn
how to impove your Memory & Reading Comprehension
skills plus much more.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
11:01 AM
Labels: Amazon, Book Test Online. Learn, Book Test Online. Reading, Comprehension, Judy Moody, Library, Memory
Monday, November 12, 2007
Running Out of Time - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
Today, added
a New Book Test!
This is a great
book for 3rd-6th
grade & others too.
This book "Running Out of Time" was
written by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
The paperback copy has 184 pages.
Try to read about 25-40 pages a day.
In a week or plus a few days you will
have it finished. Join & take my Book Test
Online at
Excited to say that the Book Test has 70 questions.
Buy the book today at Amazon or check it out
at the Library!
Book Test Review:
Please check out 4 of the 70 questions on the test.
1) What is Jessie's last name?
2) How many kids did Jessie's parents have?
3) What is the name of the town where the book takes place?
4) Who is Jessie's best friend?
Answers: 1)Keyser 2)6 Kids 3)Clifton 4)Mary
Great way to practice & increase your Reading Comprehension.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:38 PM
Labels: Amazon, Book Test Online, Book Test Online. Reading, Book Test Review, Comprehension, Library, Reading Comprehension
Friday, October 26, 2007
Learn What's New - Costco Connection Review - BookTestOnline
Hi Everyone,
Visit Costco this month & check out the store but also
the Costco Connection Magazine for October 2007.
My family loves to shop at Costco. Also, it is a great
place to find Teacher's gifts for Christmas.
I have given my teacher's gifts from Costco for the
last 5 years. (Books, Chocolate, Music, and more)
Costco Connectin Magazine
Two great articles in October 2007:
1) "Telling Tales - The Art of Corporate Storytelling"
Written by Steve Fisher
This has given me a few great ideas. Thanks Steve.
I am trying to read things to help my Website Business.
Located in the magazine on page 22.
2) "Stopping the Dropout Epidemic - How we can
keep kids in schools and build a better future"
Written by Tim Talevich
This is the Article featured on the Cover. It is located
on page 18 in the magazine.
*Also, check out page 66 - A Special Holiday Gift Section
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:31 AM
Labels: Book Test Online. Learn, Costco, Costco Magazine
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Join Today & Request a Book Test ASAP!
Hi Everyone,
Recently, I have had great response to people
joining and requesting
new Book Test to be added.
I am working hard to finish a request for
6 books total in the Shadow Children Series.
The last two books are: "Among the Enemy"
and "Among the Free" written by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
I will post when finished soon & add to the website.
Join Today & Request a Book Test ASAP!
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:31 AM
Labels: 12th Grade, Add, ASAP, Book Test + Online, Books
Monday, October 22, 2007
New Posts - Starting Today!
Hi Everyone,
New Posts starting later today.
I have some exciting new things
to talk about. Recently, visited
different states and colleges too.
Check back later today.
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:31 AM
Friday, October 5, 2007
ProBlogger Birthday Bash - Included
Hi Everyone,
Check out Darren Rowse huge $ 54,000 Birthday Bash
for 1 of his blogs called
If you do not know about Darren he is equal
to a rock star but in the Blogging World.
Visit Problogger and subscribe today.
Darren is Great! He gives you the info to make your
blog a success. Also, check out his question-answer
videos that he just started. Look in the archives too.
Excited to say that my website
was selected as 1 of the Prizes. (1 year subscription)
Thank you so much Darren for including me.
He is giving away over $54,000 worth of prizes over the
weekend. Check the blog every 8 hours.
See the link below.........
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
9:54 PM
Labels: Bash, Birthday, Book Test Online, Darren Rowse, Prizes, Problogger
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Learn to Motivate (3rd-12th grade) - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
Today, a
Book Test
Will Be
Added to
the Website
Trying to add more Help Books for 3rd-12th
grade students. This book is great and has helped
me a lot too. Check it out at the Library today
or buy it at
Book Test Review:
(1) Can Procrastination cause pain?
(2) What type of pain can Procrastination cause?
(3) What is something that can stop you from achieving
your goals?
Answers: (1)Yes (2)Headaches, Stress and much more
Visit later today
and take the Procrastination Book Test.
Go to Book Search (3rd-6th) from Home.
Motivate your 3rd-12th grade student
by visiting and becoming a member today.
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:16 AM
Labels: 3rd Grade - 6th grade, Amazon, Book Review, Book Test Online, Books, Learn, Library, Procrastination
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Buzz......Learn How It Helps!
Hi Everyone,
This great
Buzz Book
helped my
& Blog.
Check out
Ron McDaniel's
Buzz Marketing
Book today!
Buy it today at
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:26 AM
Labels: Book Test Online, Buzz, Learn, Marketing, Ron McDaniel
Monday, September 24, 2007
Great Find - Learn at BookTestOnline
Hi Everyone,
Great find at Google News
about the Lincoln Financial Foundation
to help underprivileged kids.
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:36 AM
Labels: Book Test Online. Reading, google, Google News, Kids, Learn
Saturday, September 22, 2007
68 Easy Pings - Learn How!
Hi Everyone,
Great way to ping
your blog 68 times
with only 1 click!
Visit the Blog Herald
Right Column - Blog Resources
Then find - Ping My Blog
*It takes only a few minutes. Make sure that you
wait until all 68 Pings are completely finished
before leaving. Also, print out a copy for yourself.
Visit BlogHerald now!
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:00 AM
Labels: Blog Herald, Blogs, BookTestOnline, Learn, Learn How, Ping
Friday, September 21, 2007
What = Pain? (3rd Grade - 12th Grade)
Procrastination = Bad Habits = Pain
Try to focus on the pain if you Procrastinate
and do not accomplish what you need to do today.
You may experience:
* Headaches
* Stress
* Exhaustion
* Worry
* And Much More .............
Learn how to stop the pain.
Thinking about having bad things happen
will hopefully motivate you start new
habits and do the things you really need
to do now. Turn your situation around today.
If you would like to buy a book to help, check out
The Procrastinator's Handbook
buy it today
*Exposure to Motivational Books*
Check out
I am going to add this Motivational
Book Test to my website this weekend.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:30 AM
Labels: 12th Grade, 3rd Grade, Amazon, Book Test Online, Books, Learn, Pain, Procrastination, Stress
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Great Find - Google News - Kids & Reading
Hi Everyone,
Very Interesting Article today from the
Oakland Press on Goodle News about Reading
and Kids. Check it out below:
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:35 AM
Labels: Book Test Online. Reading, google, Google News, Oakland Press
Practice Book Test - (3rd-12th grades)
This Educational Website helps students in
the 3rd-12 grade in many ways:
1) Learn Better Reading Habits and Test Taking Skills
2) Practice Before Your Teacher's Written Book Test
3) Learn the Importance to Details
4) Increase Your Memory Skills
5) Fun and Easy Way to be Prepared Online
6) Increase Reading Comprehension Skills
7) Exposure to Motivational Books
Join today and help your
3rd-12th grade student.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:17 AM
Labels: 3rd-6th grade, 7th-12th grade, Book Test Online. Reading, Books, Comprehension, Habits, Learn, Memory, Motivation, Practice Test, Teacher
Among the Brave - Book Test Review (3rd-6th grade)
Hi Everyone,
If you have
not read
the Shadow
check it
out today at the
Library or buy it at
This is the 5th book in this series written by
Margaret Peterson Haddix. You do not want to
miss reading all of her books.
After working on this test this
past weekend, this book test will
be added to my website today.
Check back later this afternoon at
then become a member and take the Book Test.
Great way to improve your Memory Skills,
Learn the Importance to Details, and Practice
Reading Comprehension.
Book Test Review:
(1) What is Mr. Talbots first name?
(2) Who was the kid that rang Mr. Talbots door bell?
(3) Who does Trey see on Mr. Talbots porch?
(4) How does Trey get inside Mr. Talbots house?
Answers: (1)George (2)Trey (3)Uniformed men
(4) Through the Garage
Special thank you for the member that requested
this Book Test. Send me a few comments.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
6:46 AM
Labels: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, Amazon, Book Test Online, Book Test Online. Learn, Books, Comprehension, Library, Memory
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Among the Barons - Book Test Review -(3rd-6th grades)
Hi Everyone,
This weekend,
I worked on
another fictional
Book Test
in the Shadow
Children Series.
It will be
added today
to the website. Check it out later
this afternoon. This is the 4th book written
in this series by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
Check it out at the library or buy it at
After reading the book, take my Book Test at
Great way to Impove on your Memory Skills,
Learn the Importance to Details, and Practice
your Reading Comprehension Skills too.
Book Test Review:
(1) What is Lee Grants brother's name?
(2) What does the word Baron mean?
(3) Why does the alarm go off at the Hendricks School
in the middle of the night?
(4) What is the name of Smithfield Grant's bodyguard?
Answers: (1)Smithfield (2)Very Wealthy People
(3)School on Fire (4)Oscar
A special thank you to the member that requested this
Book Test. I hope this helps!
Visit BookTestOnline today and become a member!
Talk to you soon,
ELizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:11 AM
Labels: 3rd-6th grade, Amazon, Among the Barons, Book Test Online, Book Test Review, Books, Learn, Library, Reading Comprehension
Monday, September 17, 2007
BlogRush - Learn How To Join - Book Test Online Blog
Hi Everyone,
Excited to say that I joined BlogRush.
You should become a member now while it is Free.
The Founder John Reese just launched this
incredible Blog Syndication Network. You can
find it in the right column on my Blog in the
box widget. You can join through my Blog.
It is easy and only takes about 5 minutes total.
This unique service will help you drive traffic
to your blog. The blogs featured in your widget
are all the ones that would be in your same category.
Example: Book Test Online Blog is in Education.
The service takes about 24-48 hours before your
blog post will be placed on another blog.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:57 PM
Labels: Blog, Blog Rush, Book Test Online. Learn, Join
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Google News - Reading - Learn More About C.S. Lewis
Hi Everyone,
If you are
a fan like
me of
C.S. Lewis
check out
Google News Article at the link below.
Learn more about one of your favorite authors.
(1) Do you know what Country he is from?
(2) Do you know what U.S. President died the same day
that C.S. Lewis did?
This article has a lot of unique information.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
10:03 PM
Labels: Author, Book Test Online, Book Test Online. Reading, C.S. Lewis, google, Google News, Learn
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
This is a
great book
written by
Betty Smith.
If you are
in the
7th -12th
grade this is a book you will want to
read.(and anyone else out of High School)
It is on the reading list at my school.
You should read it even if your teacher
does not ask you to. Check it out at the
library today or buy it at Amazon online.
Please check out my Website!
Then take my Book Test after you read this book.
Excited to say that my Online Test has 103 Muliple
Choice Questions. Once you become a member, you
can take the test over many times until you know
all the answers. Betty Smith's book has 489 total
pages. If you read about 35-50 pages each day,
you should have it finished in about 7 to 10 days
easy. Find below a sample of a few of my questions.
Book Test Review:
1) In what City does the story begin? (Summer of 1912)
2) What is the girl's name that is the main character of the book?
3) What is Francie Nolans brother's name?
4) What did Francie's father do for his job occupation?
Answers: (1)Brooklyn, NY (2)Francie (3)Neeley
(4)Singing Waiter
Book Test Online
Great way to Practice Reading Comprehension,
Importance to Details, Memory Skills and so
much more. Become a member today!
Posted by
E.G. and staff
6:28 PM
Labels: 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, Amazon, Book Review, Book Test Online, Book Test Online. Reading, Books, Library, Sample
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Learn - Importance to Details (3rd-12th grade)
Hi Everyone,
BookTestOnline is a great way to help
3rd-12th grade students with learning
that Details Are Very Important. All
they need to do is Read a Book featured
on the Book Search 3rd-6th or 7th-12th.
Visit today and see all the Book Covers.
Then after reading the book they can
take the Online Book Test.
All the test are very detailed and excited
to say that:
3rd-6th Grade Book Test has over 50 Questions
and 7th-12th Grade has over 75 Questions.
What a great way to help your student become
an above average person. They will Learn that
details are very important!
When you are finished it will give you a
Percentage Score and Time Spent Taking the Test.
You can take the test as many times that you like.
Also, all the books on the website are available to
purchase at
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:07 AM
Labels: Amazon, Blog, Book Test Online. Reading, Books, Learn, Reading Comprehension, Students
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuck Everlasting - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
You do not
want to miss
this magical
book written
by Natalie
This is a
fast read
with only
139 pages.
This book is great for anyone in the 3rd-6th grade and
everyone else too. After reading the book take my
Book Test with 58 Multiple Choice Questions.
You can find the website at
Great way to Sharpen your Memory Skills,
Learn the Importance to Details, and
Increase your Reading Comprehension.
Please find a few sample questions below.
Book Test Review
(1) What is the name of the Village in this book?
(2) Who owns the woods?
(3) What is the name of the Foster's only child?
(4) What is Jesse Tucks older Brother's name?
Answers: (1) Treegap (2) Fosters (3) Winnie (4) Miles
Go to the Library
and check out this book today or buy it at
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:26 AM
Labels: Amazon, Book Test Online, Books, Library, Reading, Reading Comprehension, School
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Animal Farm - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
Today, I am
talking about
a great
book by
George Orwell.
This book is
a fast read
with only
138 total
After reading the book take my Book Test at
This is a great way to practice your Memory Skills,
and Reading Comprehension. My online test has
95 total Multiple Choice Questions. You should not
miss reading this book if you are in the 7th-12th
grade or even out of High School. This book is a classic.
Please find below a few questions from my Book Test.
Book Test Review
(1) Who is the owner of Manor Farm?
(2) What are the names of the three dogs on Manor Farm?
(3) Which animal was considered to be a good speaker,
writer and inventor?
(4) Who was the pig that had the reputation of being
very persuasive and a brillant talker?
Answers: 1) Mr. Jones 2) Bluebell, Jessie & Pincher
3) Snowball 4) Napoleon
If you have not read this book check it out at the
Library today or buy it at
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:25 AM
Labels: Amazon, Blog, Book Test + Online, Books, Library, Reading, Reading Comprehension, School
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Google News - Learn How to Impove Memory
Hi Everyone,
I want to continue to give tips on
How to improve your memory! A few
Google News stories on this topic
and links below:
(1) Boost Brain Power - by Evening Chronicle - IcNewcastle.CO.UK
You don't want to miss this article.
They talk about Breakfast, Vitamins, Chewing Gum and more.
(2) Total Recall - by Galaxie Lifestyle - Dr. Milton Lum
This is a great article too. Dr. Lum talks about Short
Term Memory Long Term Memory, the effects of sleep,
Sensory Memory and much more.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Grendel - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
This is a
great book
written by
John Gardner.
Check is out
at the Library
or buy it
today at
If you are in the 7th-12th grade this is a great
book to read. Maybe one that your English teacher
recommends. It is on the reading list at my school.
After you read the Book take my Test on my Website at
This test has about 79 multiple choice questions.
Book Test Review:
O.K. Find Below a few Sample Questions:
1) What type of creature is the character Grendel?
2) Who does Grendel say is his only friend?
3) What creature does Grendel say needs a little dignity?
4) Who does Grendel live with under the ground?
Find the answers and become a Member today of
BookTestOnline and take the Online Multiple choice
Test. At the end you will be given a percentage score
and the time spent taking the test. You can take this
same test over or take another Book Test.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
3:00 PM
Labels: Amazon, Book Review, Book Test Online, Books, English, Library, Reading, School
Friday, September 7, 2007
Learn - Reading Comprehension Skills - (3rd-12th grade)
Hi Everyone,
Great Way to Improve your Reading Comprehension
skills. All you have to do is Read a Book
featured on the Book Search 3rd-6th or 7th-12th.
Then take the Book Test designed for the Importance
to Details. When you are finished it will give you
a Percentage Score and Time Spent Taking the Test.
You can take the test as many times that you like.
Become a Member Today!
Also, all the books on the website are available
to purchase at
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:14 AM
Labels: Amazon, Book Test Online, Learn, Reading, Reading Comprehension
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Google News - On Reading - Today
Hi Everyone,
A few things today on Google News about Reading.
(1) Education Today: Reading Replaced by T.V.
By Sarash Womack
(2) Campaign to expand Reading & Writing
in South Africa
(3) International Literacy Day - 49% of Quebecers have difficulty reading
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
11:00 PM
Labels: Book Test Online, Education, google, Google News, International Literacy, Reading, South Africa
Catcher in the Rye - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
If you are in
the 7th-12th grade,
this is a great
book to read. Maybe
one that your teacher
recommends too. It is
on the reading list
at my school.
Please check out my website - Take the Book Test!
Excited to say that my Test has (116) Multiple Choice
Questions Online. J.D. Salinger's paperback copy
has 214 pages total. Try to read about 40-75 pages
a day and you will have it finished in a couple of
days. Find below a sample of a few of my questions.
Book Test Review:
1) Who is telling the story?
Answer: Holden Caulfield
2) What is Holdens brother's name?
Answer: D.B.
3) How did Mr. Spencer categorize Holden's parents?
Answer: Grand
4) What type of hat did Holden buy for 1 Buck/Dollar?
Answer: Hunting Hat - Red
This book really makes you think. The author is
J.D. Salinger. You should read it just for fun.
I think it is more a what not to do as a teen.
It is hard to believe all the crazy things that
happen to Holden Caulfield. His boarding school life
is not happy. You will be shocked about all the strange
things that happen in this story . Check it out at the
Library today or buy it at
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:15 PM
Labels: 7th-12th grade, Amazon, Blogs, Book Test + Online, Catcher in the Rye, Library, Reading, School, Teacher
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Google News - About Reading
Hi Everyone,
Check out these 2 Google News stories about Reading!
1) Wall Street Journal - "A Good Digital Read"
by Lee Gomes
2) Sony Portable Reader System PRS-500
by Rob Tillotson
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:31 PM
Labels: Book Test Online, Digital, google, Google News, Reading
Among the Betrayed - Book Test Review
Hi Everyone,
See how much
you know about
this great
fictional book.
adding this
Book Test to
my website.
A special thank you to the member that
requested this Book Test last week.
To find this Practice Book Test: Go to the website and
choose Book Search (3rd-6th grade). Then you
will find the Cover of the Book and Access to
the Book Test. Become a member today!
Book Test Review:
Find below a quick Book Test Review
with a few of my mutiple choice
Questions from the Practice Test.
Question #1
Where did Nina wake up at the beginning of the
book? Answer: Concrete Cell
Question #2
What was Nina's wrist & ankles chained to in
the concrete cell? Answer: The Wall
Question #3
When did the Population Police take Nina
away at the Harlow School?
Answer: During Breakfast
Check this book out at the Library or buy it at
You will want to read the entire series by
Margaret Peterson Haddix. I loved this book.
You should read it even if your teacher did
not ask you to.
After reading the book - take the BookTestOnline
Practice Test! Great way to increase your Memory
and Reading Comprehension Skills.
Talk to you soon!
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:17 AM
Labels: Amazon, Among the Betrayed, Book Cover, Book Test Online, Library, Practice Test, Reading
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
What is Book Test + Online?
This Educational Website helps students in the
3rd-12th grade in many ways:
1) Develop better Reading Habits and Test Taking Skills
2) Practice Before Your Teacher's Written Book Test
3) Learn the Importance to Details
4) Increase Memory Skills
5) Fun and Easy Way to be Prepared Online
6) Increase Reading Comprehension Skills
7) Exposure to Motivational Books
This unique Website was created by Elizabeth Grace.
She loves English and reads 75-100 books each year.
Join Today!
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
3:28 PM
Labels: Book Test + Online, Habits, Motivation, Practice Test, Reading, Website
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens - Book Test - BookTestOnline
Hi Everyone,
In August,
I commented on
adding this
book test to
my website.
Just in case
you missed my post.
This is a great
book for Teens
that want to be
Successful Now
and for life.
I recommend this book to everyone.
This is not a book that you would read
in two days. I spent two summers ago reading
only 10 pages a day. What great response,
I have had about this book test. You can
find it by going to
Then go to Book Search - 3rd-6th grade.
You will find the Book Cover and Access
to the Book Test.
Become a member of BookTestOnline Today.
How great would it be to have better habits
and become a Success for Life? If you have
read this book, please leave your comments!
Buy the Book Today at
or check it out at the Library.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:45 AM
Labels: . Reading, 10th Grade, 12th Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, Amazon, Book Test Online, Books, Habits 11th Grade, Test
Among The Impostors - Book Test - BookTestOnline
Hi Everyone,
Today, I added
a new fictional
Book Test to my
Website. Excited
to say that it has
61 Total Questions.
This is a great fictional book for
students in the 3rd-6th grade. I received
an email last week from a member of
Book Test Online asking if this Book Test
could be added to the website.
Go to my website and find 3rd-6th Book Search
to find the Book Cover and access to the Book Test.
This is the 2nd book in this series of the Shadow
Children by Margaret Peterson Haddix. The main
character is a boy named Luke Garner. He is a third
child and considered illegal by the Population Police.
Experience with Luke his new name, Hendricks School,
and Secret Exnay friends. I loved reading this book.
You should read it even if your teacher did not ask
you to. Once you read the first book you will want
to read the entire series.
Check it out at the Library or buy it at
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:30 AM
Labels: 3rd-6th grade, Amazon, Book Review, Book Test Online
Friday, August 31, 2007
Blog Day 2007 - Five For Friday - Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
Connecting Blogs
all over the World!
Please visit my
5 Picks Below....
1) Want to be Motivated to be Healthy?
Craig Harper - in Australia
He is a motivational speaker, exercise scientist, Trainer
and Educator, Radio & TV personality.
Great Tips to change your life.
2) Learn about the Presidential Candidates!
Vistit First Read at MSNBC News
Also visit
3) Keep up with the U.S. Open Tennis 2007!
Visit Tennis
4) Important Chess News Around the World!
Visit this great site called: Susan Polgar
5) Learn About Healthy Foods & Recipes
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:00 AM
Labels: Blog, BookTest Online, Five for Friday
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Cool Book Lights - Reading - Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
The best way
to read
I have
found is
with a
book light. You will be amazed how much faster
and easier you can read. I use my book light in
the day time and at night. Give it a try and tell
me what you think? Interested to hear your comments!
Please Check Out These Cool and Unique Book Lights.
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
10:12 PM
Labels: Book Lights, Book Test Online, Bright, Cool, Reading
Google News - About Reading Test - Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
Google News
American Students
Drop to
Low on
Reading Test
Scores this year.
Students Graduating this past Spring 2007,
from High School have recorded an all time
low reading scores for the United States
since 1994, on the SAT.
To read more about this story visit Google link
Please visit my Website Can Help Your Teen To
Read More Books, Start Practicing With Book Test
to Increase Their Reading Comprehension Skills,
Sharpen Their Memeory, and Learn the Importance
to Details.
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
9:25 PM
Labels: Book Test Online, google, Google News, Reading Test
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Charles Dickens Quote - Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
A quote from the
famous English writer.
My favorite book
that he wrote is
"Great Expectations".
I am working on adding the Book
Test to my website.
Let you know when it is
ready. Any other test you would
like for me to add please email
me through my website.
"I never could have done what
I have done without the habits
of punctuality, order, and diligence,
without the determination to
concentrate myself on one subject
at a time."
..................Charles Dickens
If you would like to purchase this
Biography on Charles Dickensit is available at
Find other quotes from Famous people at
Charles John Huffman Dickens
*Great Novelists of all time
*Born - February 7, 1812 - Portsmouth, England
*Lived during the Victorian Era
*Very popular during his life from his writings
.... of Fiction and Short Stories.
*Died - June 9, 1870 - Age 58 years old
Visit the Charles Dickens Museum in London
The Museum is in Charles Dickens original
home. The address is 48 Doughty Street, London.
His house was saved & restored to open the
London Dickens Museum in 1925.
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
10:30 PM
Labels: Amazon, Blog, Book Test Online, Charles Dickens, Determination, Habits
Google News - About Reading - Book Test -
Hi Everyone,
Google News reports that in America
last year, only 1 in every 4 adults
admits they read Zero Books. (poll results)
Also, did you know that only 1-2 percent of
all Americans visited a library last year.
Think about the teens like me who really
need someone to encourage them to read.
Reading could change their life. Maybe this
story on Google News will inspire more
people to start reading books starting now.
I do not think bloggers fall into this category.
What do you think? Please leave comments!
To read more about this story visit
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:35 AM
Labels: Book Test Online, Google News, Reading
Monday, August 27, 2007
Historical Fiction - Book Test
Hi Everyone,
Today, I am
adding a new
Book Test to
my website.
This was a
reading book
assigned by
my school
this summer.
This fictional book takes place in
New England's Boston in the 17th Century.
The author, Nathaniel Hawthorne categorizes
this book to be a romance. The main character
is a women named Hester Prynne. What a tragic
story during the puritan times of judgment.
Go back with Hester and live her tragic, lonely
and painful life. The one thing that keeps
Hester alive is her beautiful daughter she
named Pearl. She spends a life time wearing
the Scarlet Letter on her gown. Find out what
it respresents.
Buy the book today at
After reading the book, visit my website to
take my test. I hope that it helps.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
10:47 PM
Labels: Amazon, Book Test Online, Fiction, Historical
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Keep On Going - Al Sharpton Quote - Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
Quote of Today!
"I've seen enough
things to know
that if you just
keep on going,
if you turn the
corner, the sun
will be shining."
Al Sharpton..........
I want to feature authors and leaders in America that
make a difference in other peoples lives. We should
applaud all people who are willing to take action in
what they believe is right. I recently listened to his
radio show and talked to him too. Wow! He was so nice
to me. We talked about my website and how I want to
help Underprivileged Teens by giving Free Access to
libraries across America. Try to listen to his Radio
show this week. Find the link below.
Alfred Charles Sharpton, Jr
October 3, 1954 - Born in Brooklyn, N.Y.
1st Sermon - preached at the age of 4 yrs. old
He is a Baptist Minister
Civil Rights Leader, and a
Social Justice Activist
1991 - Founded the National Action Network to
.......increase voter education, poverty services
.......and support small community businessess.
And Much More.
If you would like to
Reverend Al Sharpton quotes visit
Buy his new book at
Listen to his Talk Radio Show
Monday - Friday - live on the internet or radio
1:00-4:00 p.m./Eastern Time
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
4:07 PM
Labels: Al Sharpton, Book Test Online, Keep Going, quote
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Quote By Henry Ford - Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
"Whether you
you can
you think
you can't
you're right!"
Henry Ford ......... Model T in 1921
Born July 30, 1863 - Michigan
1896 - Completes his 1st Automobile
1901 - 1st Ford Race Car
1913 - 1st moving Auto Assembly Line
Friends with Thomas Edison
Henry Ford dies in 1947 - 83 years old
If you would like to learn more about
Henry Ford visit
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
4:40 PM
Labels: Blog, Book Test Online, Henry Ford, quote
Friday, August 24, 2007
Easy Way to Learn States & Capitals - Book Test
Hi Everyone,
Today, I
added a
Map and
Book Test
to my Website.
Please check out my website at
You can find this Geography Book Test on the
Book Search category 3rd-6th grade of my
website. Examples of a few of my questions:
1) What is the Capital of Colorado?
2) Choose the State that the Capital is Austin?
3) What State is divided by the Chesapeake Bay?
Hopefully taking my test will help you improve
your memory after reading the Book.
Also, I do recommend knowning where the States go
on the map. Sometimes the teacher will give
you a blank map of the United States and
want you to fill in the States & Capital Cities.
Also, the book is available and
How many times in school did you have a test
on the States & Capitals of the United States?
This year in the 11th grade, I am taking
American History one more time. (required in the
11th grade) Decided this would be a great way
for me to refresh my memory too. Right now my
test has 64 questions. I plan to add a few more
questions before the day is over. My school
starts next week.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:11 AM
Labels: Amazon, Book Test Online, Capitals, Easy, Geography, Learn, United States
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Life Goes On - Quote of the Day
Hi Everyone,
Quote from
Robert Frost:
"In three words
I can sum up
everything I've
learned about
life - it goes on."
He is one of America's
greatest and loved poets.
Robert Lee Frost was born in San Francisco
on March 26, 1874. He lived in South Shaftsbury,
Vermont from 1920-1929. Also, wrote his Pulitizer
Prize winning volume title "New Hampshire"
in his stone house. He died in Boston at the
age of 88 years old in 1963. Robert Frost
was buried in Bennington, Vermont next to
his wife and children.
Visit Robert Frost Stone House at:
Also, his books of poetry are available at:
Talk to you soon,
Trying to finish a few more Book Test
for my website
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
6:41 PM
Labels: Book Test Online, Life, quote, Robert Frost
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
1st Time Voter - in 2008 Election
Hi Everyone,
Excited to say that I will be able to
vote in the next Presidential Election
in November 2008. Now, I want to learn
more about the candidates.(Democratic
and Republican candidates both)
Two great sites that I found. You will
be amazed at all the post they write
each day. Wow! Check it out when you have time.
Also, fun to read people's comments too.
Noticed today that 1 of the post had
70 comments. Visit today if you can.
You will not be disappointed.
Another great site is
You can set up an account. Many blogs
to read and also a huge website.
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Magical Book Test - Added to Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
Today, I am adding
the magical fantasy
filled book called
"A Wrinkle In Time"
by Madeleine L'Engle
Book Test to my website.
This is a great book for students in the
3rd-6th grade. The paperback copy has
224 pages total. If you read about
50-75 pages each day, you can finish the
book in about 3+ days easy.
Meg Murry and her small brother named
Charles Wallace take you on a magical
adventure. You travel to unknown planets,
meet unusual strangers, and search for
Meg's father. You also learn new words
like tesseract. If you like fantasy
you will not be able to put this book
Visit my website to take the test
after you finish reading the book.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
5:08 PM
Labels: Book Test Online, Fantasy, Magical, Reading
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Quote for Today - by Mark Twain
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear-
not absence of fear."
By Mark Twain
Interesting Mark Twain Information
1. Born on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri
The cabin is now a museum
2. Died on April 21, 1910
3. Harford Conn. Home & Museum available for virtual
tour online
4. Real name is Samuel Clemens
5. Most Famous Book that he wrote
"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
I hope that you enjoyed this information about
the writer Mark Twain.
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
3:14 PM
Labels: Book Test Online, Mark Twain, quote, Reading
Motivational Book For Teens - Added to Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
Today, I am adding a motivational book
called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
Teens" by Sean Covey to my website.
This is a great book for any teen like me.
Also, for the parents who want to encourage
someone to become more excited about their
future and life. It is not a book that you
would read in a couple of days. I spent two
summer's ago reading this book. Each day,
I would read only about 10 pages. It helped
me to get in the habit of reading something
everyday. Let me know if this tip helps.
Please check out my website
You can find this book test on the Book Search
category 3rd-6th grade of my website.
Trying to type about 25-50 questions.
Example of one of my questions. What makes
proactive people different? Then I have 4
multiple choice questions. Even if you do not
read the entire book, maybe taking my test will
give you a few good ideas about what to do.
I am going to add more Book Test to my site over the
next couple of weeks that have motivated me to read
more and develop better habits. Trying to encourage
younger students that reading can change their life.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
2:09 PM
Labels: Book Review, Book Test Online, Motivation, Reading
Monday, August 20, 2007
Blog Action Day - October 15th
Hi Everyone,
Today, when I
he talks about
that October 15th
is going to be
Blog Action Day!
Bloggers around the Web will unite to put a
single important issue on everyone's mind
the Environment. How Great Is That!
I am excited for my blog to be a small
part. To find more information about
October 15th visit the link below.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Historical Fiction - Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
Today I added
a new Book Test
to my website.
Excited to say
that there are
69 total questions.
This is a great historical fiction book
for students in the
3rd-6th grade.
I received an email this week
from a member of Book Test Online
asking if I could add it to the Website.
Go to the website then search 3rd-6th
Book search to find a the cover
of the Book and access to the Book Test.
This Book is about a boy named Will that is
12 years old. After the Civil War, he is the
only person left alive in his family. The Book
takes place in Virginia. You feel like you are
going back in time and living on a country farm
with Uncle Jed, Aunt Ella, and cousin Meg.
I cannot imagine doing all the hard work that
Will did to help the family survive. I loved
reading this book. You should read it even
if your teacher did not ask you to.
Check it out at the Library or buy it at
This book is paperback and 152 pages. If you
read 50-70 pages today, then you can finish it
the next day. Send me your comments when you
are finished.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
4:22 PM
Labels: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, Amazon, Book Review, Book Test Online, Reading
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sudoku Game - Increase Your Memory - Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
Have you tried
to play this game
called Sudoku.
Started playing
this a lot this
This game makes
you think and does not
take very long to play.
Recently added Sudoku to my Google
Home Page. They have the link on
their site to add elements.
Subscribe to my feed for your Google
Feed for your home page and then
add the Sudoku game.
Also the link is
I try to play 1 game a day.
New game each day on my Google
home page. They also have different
levels to choose from. Try it today!
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Take Action - Tip #1 - Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
I decided to
try a list
to do 2 things
instead of
only 1 each day.
This really
works and makes
you feel better about yourself.
This was my list this Summer!
.......(2-Is Better Than 1-List)..........
(1) Think of 2-new ideas for your
website or blog. (Add it)
(2) Read 2-Newspaper Articles or more
(3) Submit 2-New Web Directories
(4) Make 2-New Calls about your Website or Blog.
(5) Email 2-People - Business or maybe bloggers
that you do not know.
(6) Exercise 2-times a day. 15 minutes in the morning
and at night. Do sit-ups, stretch, arm exercise
with small weights, jog in place
(7) Eat 2-Healthy snacks a day
(8) Check your email 2-times a day
(9) 2-times a day Read a Book.
15 minutes or More in the morning and read
15 minutes on the Book at night.
(10)Think of 2-things that you are thankful for.
You Ask? How can you do all of that. Just try!
Some things you will do 2 and some 1. But you
will feel good because you tried to do more.
Hope this helps.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
8:00 AM
Labels: Action, Book Test Online, List, Reading
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Things To Improve Memory
Hi Everyone,
I thought this
would be a
topic that
everyone would
be interested in
"Things To Improve
Your Memory.
How do you like my Brain Waves photo?
I am going to give ideas each week. Reading is a
great thing to do for a hobby. You will be amazed
at all the great information out there.
*Visit the Library this week and check out a few things!
Lesson #1
O.K you want to remember someone's birthday.
Why can't I remember this person's birthday.
I don't care. No stop yourself, you should care.
Memorizing dates and other things are very
important to improving your brains memory skills.
Do you want to have that terrible disease called
Alzheimer's when you get old? Of course not.
If you do not know what this disease does to
your brain google it!
The birthday is April 10........try to remember
it this way. Let it spell something. This may
help. Sounds silly but remember you are helping
your brain.
Ten ...........So remember(TAB)the first
April..........letter of Ten...April...Birthday.
Birthday......Remember that TAB-Molly means
If you would like to buy a book to help improve
your memory, pick up a copy of "Improving Your
Memory for Dummies" by John B. Arden, Ph.D.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Giving Free Access Away -Underprivileged Teens
Hi Everyone,
Although my website
is available to anyone
who has a computer at home
and would like to purchase
my service. I have 2 months,
4 months, 6 months, 1 years
access times.
This year I will be giving away
Free Access to teens at my website
Book Test Online
to underprivileged kids. My Website will Encourage
Students to Read More Books, Practice Before Your
Teacher's English Book Test, Sharpen Their Memory,
and Increase Their Reading Comprehension Skills.
Also, I am planning to visit schools and talk to young
kids (2nd-4th grade) about the importance of reading.
I myself read about 75-100 books a year and it is not
because my teachers ask me too! The only reason that
I do this is because I love to read, and I know that
reading is an important part of life.
If you are a librarian or a school that would like access
to help your underprivileged kids in your area. Please contact
me by email though
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
7:33 AM
Labels: Blog, Book Test Online, Free Access, Reading
Monday, August 13, 2007
Historical Diary -Book Test Online
Hi Everyone,
After reading and working
very hard over the last two
months. I am starting to add
more book test. Today, I am
adding a test from a historical
diary of a girl during WWII
to my website. Excited to say
that my test has 102 questions.
This is a great book for students in
the 7th-12th grade. You can find the
test on Book Test Online when you
select Book Search at the top 7th-12th.
Also, this is a great book for adults
too. Must read if you happened to
miss it. Check it out at the Library
or buy it from my website with
Also visit the Anne Frank House in
Amsterdam, Holland at
This book is about a Jewish girl
named Anne who lives in Amersterdam, Holland
with her family during World War II. Holland
is taken over by the Nazis in 1942. Anne
writes in her diary about living in secret
to hide from the Gestapo with her family and
a few other people. She is faced with hunger,
solitude, boredom, small quarters, fear,
and death.
What a great book to read about WWII. Also, a
teenagers view too. Please recommend this
to everyone.
Please visit and become a
member. Take the "Anne Frank" Book Test.
I hope that my 102 questions helps you
increase your Reading Comprehension.
*If you have read this book or thinking about
it please leave me a comment.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Grace
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
11:25 AM
Labels: Amazon, Anne Frank, Blog, Book Test Online, Comprehension, Reading
Friday, August 10, 2007
Ron McDaniel - About Book Test Online
Amazing how some
people help others
without even blinking.
I have learned that the busy people in life are the best ones to ask for advice
and unique help. They are the most incredible and
amazing people that you could ever meet. What do you think? Please leave me a comment. Thanks.
In May 2007,
After buying Ron McDaniel's book at Amazon
------"Buzz Marketing"------
I sent him an email to say what a great book it was.
You should buy a copy if you have not already. I cannot
tell you how much it has helped my Website and
Blog traffic for Book Test Online.
Afterwards, he wrote a nice article about me and my
Website on his blog at
Thank you again to Ron McDaniel.
by Ron McDaniel @ 3:46 pm.
Filed under Buzz Marketing
Mark my words, some day the United States
will get education right and
then there will be a big backlash.
Instead of blaming illegal
immigrants and cheap foreign labor for
our problems, we will blame our own kids.
How can I honestly compete with a kid that
has all of their expenses covered and even gets
an allowance? The web has opened up
entrepreneurship and kids are catching on.
OK, Elizabeth Grace is not a Kid. Sixteen is a
young adult. But still, how many people that
young have the drive to build it and the stamina
to promote it? Here is the email she sent me.
(Reprinted with permission)
My name is Elizabeth Grace. I am 16 years old
and recently started a website business called…
Recently, I bought your Buzzoodle Marketing
book from Amazon. I love your book, it is great!
I have just started a few days ago really
working the challenges. Thank you so much!
I know this is what I need to get my business started.
Book Test Online is an Educational Website
for students in the (3rd - 12th) grades. This is a
way for me to help other students with their
English Book Test. English is my best subject
& I love to read.
I am adding new book tests each week.
I plan to have 50 to 75 book tests by
August 2007. After working for over 1 year,
I am ready to get the marketing started.
If you can Start The Buzz…………..for me!
Anything you do would be greatly appreciated!
Lets see….
Website with clear conversion - Check
Buzz Marketing Strategy - Check
No fear to contact people she does not
know - Check
Long term goals - Check
Discipline - Check
Quick response with PR when someone
asks for it - Check
Maybe the only fair thing to do is kick kids
out at the age of 8 and make them fend for
themselves, otherwise we all may be working
for them soon.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Posted by
E.G. and staff
9:30 AM
Labels: Amazon, Blog, Book Test Online, Ron McDaniel