Elizabeth Grace / Press Release
Creates: BookTestOnline.com
(for 3rd -12th grade students)
High School student, Elizabeth Grace is inspired from her own school experiences to create booktestonline.com She is a wonderful role model
for students to change their challenges in school to positive.
This creative student has now started an Educational website that helps students in the
3rd through 12 grades with English book tests.
Elizabeth's goal is to have 50-75 book tests by August 2007 and 100 practice book tests by
December 2007.
booktestonline.com tests has many positive things to offer students:
1) Practice Before Your Teacher's Written Exam
2) Sharpen Your Memory
3) Build Confidence With Practice
4) Fun & Easy Way To Be Prepared
5) Practice Reading Comprehension
Make booktestonline.com part of your child's summer and next school year.