I found this picture of
Central Park in
New York City at
this photo website.
It is called the Stock Exchange if you
are interested.
Phil Gerbyshak at http://makeitgreat.typepad.com/
tagged people who read his blog this weekend to
write this article about yourself.
(1) I will be a first time voter in the 2008
Presidential Election.
(2) Places I want to go to college. New York, Chicago,
Philadelphia, or Colorado. (11th grade this year)
(3) I love the Library Hotel in New York City. Great
Location. Some months in the year, you can get 50% off.
Breakfast is included everyday and also a afternoon snack.
Coffee and Cappuccino are available all day for free.
(4) Sushi is one of my favorite foods. I order the Super
Crunch and Tuna Rolls a lot at my favorite
Thai Restaurant.
(5) I read about 75+ books a year. Also like listening to
audio tapes. You can check a few out at the Library.
Also, reading All The King's Men right now.
(6) Recently, was called back by Sean Hannity's assistant.
I left a message and then they called back. Sorry to say,
I was not at home.
(7) I am donating a subscription to my website
BookTestOnline.com to a few libraries. Want to help
students in need that want to be smart. Hopefully, I
can post something about it on my blog after next
Friday. Recently on TV discussing my website with
a librarian.
(8) Things you may know. I like Tennis, Theatre,
Ice Skating, Snowboarding, Snow Skiing, Cards,
Chess, and several TV shows too.
Please leave me a comment.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Book Test Online
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Eight Random Facts About Myself (Elizabeth Grace)
Posted by
E.G. and staff
10:03 PM