Hi Everyone,
Please Tell Me How Many Blogs That You Read Each Week?
Without the Blog-Roll feature I would not have been
able to read so many. I can report that I read
about 250-300 blogs just over the last week.
It was fun getting ideas. Find below a few that I
came across:
Book Reviewer writes a review today about the World
Trade Center movie with Nicholas Cage. Did not want
to see if before, but maybe now I will.
Buzzoodle Blog looked back over the archives.
found something interesting on March 5, 2007
A list of 99 ways to create more buzz.
Business Blogging for Excellence had a great
article about Magnets for your car. Now I am
going to have one made with my business logo.
BC Creative Blog recently writes about the
Soprano's ending, Nancy Drew Movie and
the Spice Girl Maybe Reunion.
iphone Freak Blog comments about the top
reasons to purchase the new iphone.
The picture and features sound great.
Make is Great writes an article on
June 18, 2007 about a great book to
buy to help make it great. Check it out.
Cool Moms Rule on June 18, 2007
talks about how you can get great
summer savings on books at Barnes & Noble
for a period of time. (seems like 80% ??)
4-Beginners Blog has a tip section to the
left on his blog with some interesting
tips that have helped me with my blog.
You Can find the links to these
blogs on my sites right side.
*Don't Forget to Comment..............
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Monday, June 25, 2007
How Many Blogs Do You Read?
Posted by
E.G. and staff
10:25 AM